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An Overview of the International Tax Provisions of the Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017

Article Prepared by FGMK Tax Partner Fuad Saba The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the Act) constitutes the most significant revision of the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) since the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and reforms U.S. international tax rules by transitioning taxpayers to a “territorial tax system,” adding a “toll charge” …

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Listen to The IRC Sec. 199A Flow-Through Business Deduction Webinar

The IRC Sec. 199A Flow-Through Business Deduction: Who Will Qualify and How Will It Work? FGMK recently hosted a live webinar where our tax thought leaders offered their insight and guidance regarding the new 20% deduction now available to the non-wage portion of flow-through entities through IRC Sec. 199A. This is a “must see” presentation …

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An Overview of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”

INDIVIDUAL TAXATION The Act simplifies the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) for individuals by consolidating various exemptions and deductions into a larger Standard Deduction.  The Act does not make changes with respect to the maximum rate for capital gains and qualified dividends.  The Act lowers overall income tax rates but does not reduce the number …