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Today’s economic landscape presents a wide array of challenges. Securing and managing working capital, risk assessment and management, an ever-evolving regulatory environment, complex tax regulations, and the constant search for growth opportunities are just a few of the issues you face in managing your business. Regardless of the sector of the construction industry you operate in, FGMK’s Construction Practice is comprised of assurance and tax professionals that possess the experience and expertise to help you navigate these challenges.
At the heart of the industry is the balancing of the intricacies of financial report with the complexities of the tax code. From financial statement integrity and covenant compliance to entity structuring, accounting method elections and tax return preparation, our assurance and tax services provide you with high-level expertise and guidance.
We provide advanced, year-round tax expertise and sound support for your tax positions and methods. Concurrently, we apply planning strategies to minimize and defer income taxes and utilize the various credits and incentives afforded to the industry (such as the research and development credit, and the energy-efficient commercial building deduction). FGMK also offers consulting services on tax structuring for transactions, accounting method elections, and cost capitalization analyses.
Financial reporting is a key concern for construction related companies. Financial statements are generally required to meet financing and surety obligations. The proper presentation of your financial results can improve your company’s ability to obtain and maintain financing and bonding. FGMK’s financial reporting services include audited, reviewed, and compiled financial statements.