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FGMK’s approach to financial due diligence is structured to help you identify key value drivers and integration matters while evaluating areas of concern and risk.
Financial statement fundamentals, including the quality of earnings, are the beginning of the process. We also analyze key business and operational trends to help you better understand the performance of the business and provide detailed answers to complicated questions.
Assessing financial assumptions, quantifying risks and opportunities, and translating financial information into decision-enabling intelligence are the cornerstones of our due diligence process.
ACTIVE PARTNER INVOLVEMENT. Experienced professionals lead each engagement and ensure the execution of a well-planned due diligence process. Teams are assembled based on your unique situation and deployed at a moment’s notice. Our teams include tax and other specialists who are uniquely focused on middle market deals.
RELATIONSHIP DRIVEN. We approach each engagement as a unique transaction and develop a customized scope of services, targeted to your specific needs. FGMK’s M&A advisory services are scalable for domestic and international assignments.