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FGMK works extensively with architecture and engineering (A&E) firms, and our experienced professionals are very familiar with the cost accounting standards that apply to federally funded contracts with State Departments of Transportation and local agencies. These costing standards are incorporated in Part 31 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and govern how costs should be accumulated and charged to federally funded projects as either direct project costs or as part of firms’ indirect cost rates.
FGMK professionals can consult with A&E firms working on public sector projects to set up internal processes and systems for FAR compliance and better position them to secure profitable contracts. We can assist with the development of overhead rates and expedite the prequalification process with Departments of Transportation. FGMK can also audit or review indirect cost schedules if such assurance is a funding requirement on the part of Departments of Transportation or other agencies or can coordinate obtaining a cognizant review for firms doing business in multiple states. FAR related services include: