Deferring Gain by Investing in Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds
One of the many changes in the recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “TCJA”) is the creation of a new economic tool: the Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund. This tool allows taxpayers to defer tax on gains from the sale of property to an unrelated party by investing in a Qualified Opportunity Zone …
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Is Your Company Ready for the New Revenue Accounting Rules?
As January 2019 rapidly approaches, many private companies are faced with the looming challenges associated with the adoption of the largest accounting change in recent memory, Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. While ASC 606 has many benefits to the users of the financial statements, none …
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Multi-Factor Authentication for the FGMK Client Portal
The privacy and security of our clients’ data and personal information are of the utmost importance to FGMK. With all of the data breaches that have occurred, it is important for us to ensure that we are doing all that we can to protect the sensitive information which resides in our systems. As an additional …
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Listen to our Webinar on the Impact of Tax Cuts and the Jobs Act on Compensation and Benefit Plans
With recent changes to the tax law, compensation and benefits planning has been brought to the forefront for many taxpayers. In response to this important issue, FGMK’s compensation and benefits consultants, Don Nemerov and Mike Razny, and tax partner, Chuck Schultz, offer their insight and guidance regarding these issues, with particular focus on the impact …
The Three-Year Holding Period for Carried Interests – Does it Apply to All Corporations?
Pursuant the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Section 1061 of the Internal Revenue Code (the “Code”) requires that income related to certain partnership interests is taxed as short-term capital gains (likely taxable at ordinary income tax rates unless offset by capital losses) unless and until such partnership interest was held for three or …
Overview of New Partnership Tax Audit Rules
Under the new audit rules, individual partners cannot participate in the partnership tax audit. Rather, one “partnership representative” acts on behalf of the partnership, and binds the partnership to any adjustments that are made. Under the new rules, partners no longer have the right to be notified of, or participate in, partnership tax audits. Most …
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Listen to Our Tax Planning Webinar
The Impact of Tax Cuts and the Jobs Act on C Corporations: A Summary of Key Tax Planning Strategies FGMK recently hosted a live webinar where our FGMK tax practitioners Charles Schultz, Fuad Saba and Dan Laughlin offer their insights and guidance on new tax planning opportunities for C corporations. This webinar will be of …
Attention Massachusetts 1040 Filers – Fraud Protection Option
Article prepared by FGMK Tax Senior Manager J Michael Reese If you are a taxpayer that has an individual filing requirement in Massachusetts in 2017, FGMK would like to make you aware of a recent program initiated by the State to curtail the effects of fraudulent tax returns potentially being filed on your behalf. Massachusetts …
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Illinois EDGE Credit
Summary The Illinois Economic Development for a Growing Economy Tax Credit Program (“EDGE”) has been reinstated and revised as of September 18, 2017 pursuant to House Bill 162. The EDGE program is the centerpiece and primary business development incentive that the State of Illinois uses to attract new businesses and retain current Illinois employers. Program …
Inbound Real Estate Investors Under the 2017 ” Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”
Article Prepared by FGMK Tax Partner Fuad Saba The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the Act) represents the largest change to the Internal Revenue Code (the Code) of the United States since the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Non-US investors in US real estate (often called “inbound” real estate investors) will be affected …
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