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Listen to Our Tax Planning Webinar

Posted on : February 26, 2018 | 11:02 am

The Impact of Tax Cuts and the Jobs Act on C Corporations:

A Summary of Key Tax Planning Strategies

FGMK recently hosted a live webinar where our FGMK tax practitioners Charles Schultz, Fuad Saba and Dan Laughlin offer their insights and guidance on new tax planning opportunities for C corporations.

This webinar will be of particular interest to taxpayers who either own or operate a C corporation, or who are considering a conversion of their business entity to a C corporation. Additionally, tax practitioners who provide guidance to C corporation businesses and their owners will discover vital information that impacts their clients.

The goal of the webinar is to empower taxpayers and tax practitioners with the guidance necessary to plan for the future. The webinar will address the following topics:

  • The favorable impact of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on C corporations;
  • The application of key C corporation planning strategies, with particular emphasis on the tax saving opportunities provided by the research and development tax credit as well as the Foreign Derived Intangible Income tax incentive;
  • Highlights of the new safe harbor opportunity for certain C corporations that issue certified financial audit statements, with assets equal to or more than $10M.
  • Potential impact of the required amortization of research and development expenses beginning in 2022;
  • A review of key issues that should be addressed by taxpayers considering a conversion of their business to a C corporation.

Featured Speakers/Moderator

Daniel F. Laughlin
Managing Director

The contents of this webinar are intended for educational purposes only. Although there will be a general discussion of tax law and its application, your individual facts and situations may vary from those discussed. As such, the contents of the webinar should not be considered as tax or any other advice, and we strongly encourage you to contact your tax advisor with respect to your specific facts.

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